House Rich Blog and Podcast

2: Expert Interview: Kelly Ho | DLD Financial Group

Written by Matthew Parker | Jan 7, 2022 4:31:45 AM

Meet Kelly:

I entered the financial services industry in 2005 immediately after my graduation from the University of British Columbia. I hold the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation and the Certified Cash Flow Specialist (CCS) certification. Among my peers, friends and family, I am best known for my commitment to professional excellence, leadership in the community, and my passion for helping others.

I am an active member of the industry professional association, Advocis– The Financial Advisors Association of Canada, and I’m a qualifier for the Million Dollar Round Table – The Premier Association of Financial Professionals. I’ve been a longstanding Kiwanis Club of Vancouver member who has carved my niche in the organization by working extensively in the area of youth initiatives. I am also fully conversant in Cantonese.

When I’m not meeting with clients and putting together cash-flow and financial plans, I spend much of my time attending toddler activities with my children, attending various festivals around the city and planning my next family vacation with my husband Gabriel.

Kelly Ho

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